Results for 'Catarina L. Carvalho'

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  1. A Path Toward Inclusive Social Cohesion: The Role of European and National Identity on Contesting vs. Accepting European Migration Policies in Portugal.Isabel R. Pinto, Catarina L. Carvalho, Carina Dias, Paula Lopes, Sara Alves, Cátia de Carvalho & José M. Marques - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Well-Being During 8 March Demonstrations.Larraitz N. Zumeta, Pablo Castro-Abril, Lander Méndez, José J. Pizarro, Anna Włodarczyk, Nekane Basabe, Ginés Navarro-Carrillo, Sonia Padoan-De Luca, Silvia da Costa, Itziar Alonso-Arbiol, Bárbara Torres-Gómez, Huseyin Cakal, Gisela Delfino, Elza M. Techio, Carolina Alzugaray, Marian Bilbao, Loreto Villagrán, Wilson López-López, José Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez, Cynthia C. Cedeño, Carlos Reyes-Valenzuela, Laura Alfaro-Beracoechea, Carlos Contreras-Ibáñez, Manuel Leonardo Ibarra, Hiram Reyes-Sosa, Rosa María Cueto, Catarina L. Carvalho & Isabel R. Pinto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    8 March, now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effects. This work aims to explore the mechanisms involved in participation in the demonstrations of 8 March 2020, collective and ritualized feminist actions, and their correlates associated with personal (...)
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    Positive Mental Health Literacy: A Concept Analysis.Daniel Carvalho, Carlos Sequeira, Ana Querido, Catarina Tomás, Tânia Morgado, Olga Valentim, Lídia Moutinho, João Gomes & Carlos Laranjeira - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe positive component of Mental Health Literacy refers to a person’s awareness of how to achieve and maintain good mental health. Although explored recently, the term still lacks a clear definition among healthcare practitioners.AimTo identify the attributes and characteristics of PMeHL, as well as its theoretical and practical applications.MethodsLiterature search and review, covering the last 21 years, followed by concept analysis according to the steps described by Walker and Avant approach.ResultsPositive component of Mental Health Literacy is considered one component of (...)
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    Spanish public awareness regarding DNA profile databases in forensic genetics: what type of DNA profiles should be included?J. J. Gamero, J. -L. Romero, J. -L. Peralta, M. Carvalho & F. Corte-Real - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (10):598-604.
    The importance of non-codifying DNA polymorphism for the administration of justice is now well known. In Spain, however, this type of test has given rise to questions in recent years: Should consent be obtained before biological samples are taken from an individual for DNA analysis? Does society perceive these techniques and methods of analysis as being reliable? There appears to be lack of knowledge concerning the basic norms that regulate databases containing private or personal information and the protection that information (...)
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    Towards a Practice-based Philosophy of Logic: Formal Languages as a Case Study.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2012 - Philosophia Scientiae 16 (1):71-102.
    Au cours des dernières décennies, les travaux portant sur les pratiques humaines réelles ont pris de l'importance dans différents domaines de la philosophie, sans pour autant atteindre une position dominante. À ce jour, ce type de tournant pratique n'a cependant pas encore pénétré la philosophie de la logique. En première partie, j'esquisse ce que serait (ou pourrait être) une philosophie de la logique centrée sur l'étude des pratiques, en insistant en particulier sur sa pertinence et sur la manière de la (...)
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    Effects of interleaved and blocked study on delayed test of category learning generalization.Paulo F. Carvalho & Robert L. Goldstone - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Ibn Rushd on God's Decree and Determination (al-qada' wa-l-Qadar).Catarina Belo - 2006 - Al-Qantara 27 (2):245-264.
    Este artículo se basa en el capítulo de Ibo Ruid sobre los atributos qa'd wa-qadar de Alláb, que se ocupa del concepto de "predestinación", como ejemplo de una aproximación racionalista que introduce conceptos filosóficos en un viejo debate religioso. Es mi propósito presentar el argumento de Ibo RuId que contiene inequívocas alusiones aristotélicas; por tanto, la armonización de la religión y la filosofia implícita en sus argumentos es uno de los puntos que trataré de explorar en este trabajo. Igualmenle, estoy (...)
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    A Computational Model of Context‐Dependent Encodings During Category Learning.Paulo F. Carvalho & Robert L. Goldstone - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (4).
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 4, April 2022.
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    What you learn is more than what you see: what can sequencing effects tell us about inductive category learning?Paulo F. Carvalho & Robert L. Goldstone - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  10.  69
    Continuous Deep Sedation in End-of-Life Care: Disentangling Palliation From Physician-Assisted Death.Tito B. Carvalho, Mohamed Y. Rady, Joseph L. Verheijde & Jason Scott Robert - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (6):60 - 62.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 6, Page 60-62, June 2011.
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  11. Dotting the I's and crossing the T's: autonomy and/or beneficence? The 'fetus as a patient' in maternal–fetal surgery.H. Catarina M. L. Rodrigues, Paul P. van den Berg & Marcus Düwell - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (4):219-223.
    Chervenak and McCullough, authors of the most acknowledged ethical framework for maternal–fetal surgery, rely on the ‘ethical–obstetrical’ concept of the fetus as a patient in order to determine what is morally owed to fetuses by both physicians and the women who gestate them in the context of prenatal surgery. In this article, we reconstruct the argumentative structure of their framework and present an internal criticism. First, we analyse the justificatory arguments put forward by the authors regarding the moral status of (...)
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    When corpus analysis refutes common beliefs: the case of interpolation in European Portuguese dialects.Catarina Magro - 2010 - Corpus 9:115-136.
    Quand l’analyse de corpus réfute des idées reçues : le cas de l’interpolation dans des dialectes du portugais européenCet article analyse l’interpolation (c’est-à-dire la possibilité d’occurrence d’un proclitique séparé du verbe) comme un trait des dialectes du portugais européen (PE) contemporain, tel qu’il est montré par les données fournies par le Syntax-oriented Corpus of Portuguese Dialects – CORDIAL-SIN. Les objectifs de cet étude sont les suivants : (i) décrire les propriétés des constructions d’interpolation dans les dialectes contemporains du PE ; (...)
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    Decrease in Attentional Performance After Repeated Bouts of High Intensity Exercise in Association-Football Referees and Assistant Referees.Sergio L. Schmidt, Guilherme J. Schmidt, Catarina S. Padilla, Eunice N. Simões, Julio C. Tolentino, Paulo R. Barroso, Jorge H. Narciso, Erik S. Godoy & Rubens L. Costa Filho - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Motor Imagery as a Function of Disease Severity in Multiple Sclerosis: An fMRI Study.Andrea Tacchino, Catarina Saiote, Giampaolo Brichetto, Giulia Bommarito, Luca Roccatagliata, Christian Cordano, Mario A. Battaglia, Gian L. Mancardi & Matilde Inglese - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Franz Brentano: Die intentionale Beziehung und die Bedeutung der Namen und Aussagen.Joelma Marques de Carvalho, Johannes L. Brandl & Carlo Ierna - 2023 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 100 (1-2):8-53.
    In this article I provide an overview of the many different terms that Brentano sometimes uses as synonyms or as explanations for “intentional inexistence”. The many terms associated with intentional inexistence appear in many different contexts, and we can conclude that Brentano uses these terms primarily to describe a property that is accidental and dependent on the subject from which it arises and with which it passes away. Ontologically, both properties and substances exist, but the former requires a substance (the (...)
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  16. Teoria da Mente: a alma humana em busca de si mesma.L. A. V. Carvalho & S. Fuks - 1997 - In John Cottingham, Descartes. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 201-215.
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  17. Variations autour de l'Ame Tigrée : des dramaturgies de la "tigritude".Catarina Sant'Anna - 2011 - In Yves Durand, Jean-Pierre Sironneau & Alberto Filipe Araújo, Variations sur l'imaginaire: l'épistémologie ouverte de Gilbert Durand: orientations et innovations. Bruxelles: E.M.E..
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    It does belong together: cross-modal correspondences influence cross-modal integration during perceptual learning.Lionel Brunel, Paulo F. Carvalho & Robert L. Goldstone - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:121086.
    Experiencing a stimulus in one sensory modality is often associated with an experience in another sensory modality. For instance, seeing a lemon might produce a sensation of sourness. This might indicate some kind of cross-modal correspondence between vision and gustation. The aim of the current study was to provide explore whether such cross-modal correspondences influence cross-modal integration during perceptual learning. To that end, we conducted 2 experiments. Using a speeded classification task, Experiment 1 established a cross-modal correspondence between visual lightness (...)
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    L’improvisatiaon au‑delà de l’émeute.Frederico Lyra de Carvalho - 2024 - Multitudes 96 (3):67-71.
    Pour cet essai nous partons de la définition que le philosophe brésilien Paulo Arantes donne au temps présent : un « âge d’émergence » pour penser le primat des émeutes, avec toutes ses ambiguïtés, dans les luttes sociales présentes. Pour cela nous nous appuyons principalement sur Arantes et Joshua Clover. Pour finir, nous tentons d’esquisser un concept ouvert d’improvisation à partir d’une intuition du collectif End Notes et une autre de Clover dans lorsqu’ils pensent les émeutes pour les retourner à (...)
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  20. L'innocence dans Forêt Vierge de José Maria Ferreira de Castro.Maria Das Gracas de Carvalho Barreto - 2004 - Iris 27:17-23.
  21.  20
    Adorno et l’improvisation du jazz : entre travail et utopie.Frederico Lyra de Carvalho - 2022 - Princípios 29 (60):416-435.
    Comme toute manifestation ou objet soumis à la critique de la dialectique négative, l’improvisation dans le jazz oscille, selon le point de vue d’Adorno, entre deux extrêmes. D’un côté, elle est tournée vers un mimétisme du mode de travail du monde capitaliste, de l’autre, elle porte une puissance utopique. Le philosophe a identifié la contradiction entre travail et utopie dans le matériau musical, mais il n’est pas allé jusqu’au bout de ses analyses. Dans cet article, nous tenterons de poursuivre l’examen (...)
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    La physiocratie dans l'Europe des Lumières: circulation et réception d'un modèle de réforme de l'ordre juridique et social.Thérence Carvalho - 2020 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin. Edited by Anthony Mergey.
    La physiocratie occupe une place majeure dans l'histoire du siècle des Lumières. La doctrine élaborée par le docteur François Quesnay, le marquis de Mirabeau et leurs disciples constitue un modèle original de réforme de la société d'Ancien Régime. Liberté du commerce, impôt unique sur les terres, abolition des corporations, établissement du "despotisme légal", reconnaissance du triptyque "liberté, propriété, sûreté" au rang de droits fondamentaux, les propositions des physiocrates bouleversent l'ordre juridique et social traditionnel. Par ses théories universalistes, la physiocratie s'exporte (...)
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    Gilles Deleuze: philosophie et littérature.Catarina Pombo Nabais - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Cet ouvrage aide à pénétrer une pensée complexe, et tente de rendre Deleuze accessible. L'auteur a pu définir un accés sensible et raisonné à l'un de ces points privilégiés où la philosophie deleuzienne se construit hors d'elle-même en investissant un espace "non philosophique", celui de la littérature. Il ne peut etre question de résumer un travail qui s'attache à suivre, à travers l'analyse fine de quelques singularités, toutes les transformations de la pensée deleuzienne de l'expérimentation littéraire, entendue comme expérimentation de (...)
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    Conhecimento de Fenômenos Psíquicos em Brentano.Johannes L. Brandl & Joelma Marques de Carvalho - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 9 (2):51-77.
    O objetivo principal deste artigo é esclarecer como Brentano define a relação entre (a) o conhecimento de nossos próprios fenômenos de consciência e (b) o conhecimento de fenômenos de consciência de outros sujeitos. Por um lado, Brentano argumenta, seguindo a tradição moderna, que o conhecimento dos próprios atos mentais é absolutamente fundamental. Ao mesmo tempo, porém, ele quer mostrar com sua Psicologia do ponto de vista empírico uma clara alternativa ao introspeccionismo. Mostraremos como Brentano busca unir estes dois objetivos e (...)
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    Changes in waist circumference and body mass index in the us cardia cohort: Fixed-effects associations with self-reported experiences of racial/ethnic discrimination.Timothy J. Cunningham, Lisa F. Berkman, Ichiro Kawachi, David R. Jacobs, Teresa E. Seeman, Catarina I. Kiefe & Steven L. Gortmaker - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (2):267-278.
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    Automatic knowledge learning and case adaptation with a hybrid committee approach.Claudio A. Policastro, Andre C. P. L. F. Carvalho & Alexandre C. B. Delbem - 2006 - Journal of Applied Logic 4 (1):26-38.
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    O Ensino de Filosofia: entre problemas epistemológicos e questões sociais.Flávio de Carvalho - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-23.
    Resumo: Este artigo oferece alguns pressupostos, condições e situações atinentes ao Ensino de Filosofia tendo em vista discutir seu potencial reconhecimento como campo do conhecimento autônomo vinculado ao território epistemológico da Filosofia, cujo status de sua autonomia advém da demarcação de um objeto, métodos e finalidades sociais específicas. Primeiramente, então, fizemos uma exposição em torno a um estatuto epistemológico para o Ensino de Filosofia, elaborando em seguida um itinerário de diferenciação entre a Filosofia da Educação e uma Filosofia do Ensino (...)
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    A teoria das cores e das formas gráficas de Wassily Kandinsky.Jairo Dias Carvalho - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-22.
    Resumo: O artigo pretender elucidar a teoria das cores e das formas Gráficas de Wassily Kandinsky. Nossa interpretação é que esta teoria é uma lógica das relações entre os elementos da pintura, formas coloridas e formas gráficas. Esta lógica se baseia em uma concepção tensional da composição a partir da noção de contrariedade e de oposição. A obra de arte abstrata se apresenta como uma série de tensões internas e contrastes entre cores e formas gráficas permitindo a quem a compreende (...)
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    Diamond on Ladder Systems and Countably Metacompact Topological Spaces.Rodrigo Carvalho, Tanmay Inamdar & Assaf Rinot - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-20.
    The property of countable metacompactness of a topological space gets its importance from Dowker’s 1951 theorem that the product of a normal space X with the unit interval $[0,1]$ is again normal iff X is countably metacompact. In a recent paper, Leiderman and Szeptycki studied $\Delta $ -spaces, which is a superclass of the class of countably metacompact spaces. They proved that a single Cohen real introduces a ladder system $ L$ over the first uncountable cardinal for which the corresponding (...)
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    Eclosão no Brasil das vertentes positivistas.José Maurico de Carvalho - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 13 (26):77-87.
    Resumo: Este trabalho traça o perfil das principais vertentes do positivismo brasileiro e explica suas especificidades a partir da herança lusa. Os moralistas da geração pombalina semearam certas crenças que irão influenciar no modo como os ideais positivistas foram veiculados no Brasil. Esta circunstância explica as diferenças entre as vertentes francesa e brasileira do movimento. Palavras-chave: positivismo; vertentes; moral; sociedade; polítical. Résume: Ce travail trace le profil des principaux versants du positivisme brésilien et explique leurs spécificités à partir de l'héritage (...)
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    O realismo metafísico historicista de Alasdair MacIntyre: de Aristóteles a Tomás de Aquino, mas passando por Gadamer e Agostinho.Helder Buenos Aires de Carvalho - 2018 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 9 (17):334.
    Nota Bibliográfica: ROUARD, Christophe. La vérité chez Alasdair MacIntyre. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2011. 254p. ISBN 978-2-296-54736-0.
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    L’analogie est-elle un fait fonctionnel ou grammatical? Le cas de l’apophonie portugaise.Joaquim Brandăo de Carvalho - 2004 - Corpus 3.
    Il est couramment admis qu’il existe une corrélation, sinon un rapport de cause à effet, entre la fréquence lexicale d’une dérivation et sa productivité, mesurée à l’aune de sa force d’attraction analogique. Or cette thèse est démentie par l’examen détaillé des faits d’apophonie nominale en portugais. De deux alternances qui se partagent un sous-ensemble de nominaux, c’est la dérivation minoritaire, ainsi que le révèle l’analyse d’un corpus de 238 mots, qui, depuis le XIXème siècle, gagne lentement du terrain dans le (...)
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    Comparing quality of reporting between preprints and peer-reviewed articles in the biomedical literature.Olavo B. Amaral, Vanessa T. Bortoluzzi, Sylvia F. S. Guerra, Steven J. Burgess, Richard J. Abdill, Pedro B. Tan, Martin Modrák, Lieve van Egmond, Karina L. Hajdu, Igor R. Costa, Gerson D. Guercio, Flávia Z. Boos, Felippe E. Amorim, Evandro A. De-Souza, David E. Henshall, Danielle Rayêe, Clarissa B. Haas, Carlos A. M. Carvalho, Thiago C. Moulin, Victor G. S. Queiroz & Clarissa F. D. Carneiro - 2020 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 5 (1).
    BackgroundPreprint usage is growing rapidly in the life sciences; however, questions remain on the relative quality of preprints when compared to published articles. An objective dimension of quality that is readily measurable is completeness of reporting, as transparency can improve the reader’s ability to independently interpret data and reproduce findings.MethodsIn this observational study, we initially compared independent samples of articles published in bioRxiv and in PubMed-indexed journals in 2016 using a quality of reporting questionnaire. After that, we performed paired comparisons (...)
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    Crítica e Ontologia no Tractatus. Algumas observações a partir de “A essência da proposição e a essência do mundo”, de L. H. Lopes dos Santos. [REVIEW]Marcelo Carvalho - 2023 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 25 (2):27-36.
    Resumo:Este artigo discute a leitura que faz o estudo introdutório de Luiz Henrique Lopes dos Santos (1992) dos aforismos iniciais do Tractatus. Tal leitura vê, nesses aforismos iniciais, as consequências ontológicas de um argumento transcendental cuja premissa é a concepção de figuração desenvolvida nos aforismos subsequentes. Em contraste com essa leitura, aqui é defendido que se possa entender esses aforismos iniciais como uma investigação de toda normatividade, explicitando o vínculo entre necessidade e totalidade. Assim se aponta para uma nova perspectiva (...)
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    Jean-Paul Coujou, Suárez dans l’Histoire de la Métaphysique. Volume 1: L’Héritage et le débat contemporain, (Collection Carte Blanche), (Toulouse: Entremises Éditions, 2022). ISBN: 978-2-38255-037-3. 237 pp. [REVIEW]Mário Santiago de Carvalho - 2023 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 32 (64):495-497.
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  36. La dynamique ontologique de l'esprit: genèse de la pensé Carvalho Júnior & Manoel Joaquim - 1974 - Neuchatel: Éditions de la Baconnière.
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    Generalizability, transferability, and the practice-to-practice gap.Joshua R. de Leeuw, Benjamin A. Motz, Emily R. Fyfe, Paulo F. Carvalho & Robert L. Goldstone - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Emphasizing the predictive success and practical utility of psychological science is an admirable goal but it will require a substantive shift in how we design research. Applied research often assumes that findings are transferable to all practices, insensitive to variation between implementations. We describe efforts to quantify and close this practice-to-practice gap in education research.
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    Reflections on epistemological aspects of artificial intelligence during the COVID-19 pandemic.Angela A. R. de Sá, Jairo D. Carvalho & Eduardo L. M. Naves - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-8.
    Artificial intelligence plays an important role and has been used by several countries as a health strategy in an attempt to understand, control and find a cure for the disease caused by Coronavirus. These intelligent systems can assist in accelerating the process of developing antivirals for Coronavirus and in predicting new variants of this virus. For this reason, much research on COVID-19 has been developed with the aim of contributing to new discoveries about the Coronavirus. However, there are some epistemological (...)
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    A Generalization of the Łukasiewicz Algebras.Teresa Almada & JÚlia Vaz de Carvalho - 2001 - Studia Logica 69 (3):329 - 338.
    We introduce the variety $\scr{L}_{n}^{m}$ , m ≥ 1 and n ≥ 2, of m-generalized Łukasiewicz algebras of order n and characterize its subdirectly irreducible algebras. The variety $\scr{L}_{n}^{m}$ is semisimple, locally finite and has equationally definable principal congruences. Furthermore, the variety $\scr{L}_{n}^{m}$ contains the variety of Łukasiewicz algebras of order n.
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    Segmenting Brazilian legislative text using weak supervision and active learning.Felipe A. Siqueira, Diany Pressato, Fabíola S. F. Pereira, Nádia F. F. da Silva, Ellen Souza, Márcio S. Dias & André C. P. L. F. de Carvalho - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law.
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    Conflit Des Traditions.Denizart De Fazio & José Sérgio Fonseca de Carvalho - 2023 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 14 (2):7-22.
    Cet article prend comme point de départ de sa réflexion les défis de l’éducation dans un « univers problématique », tel qu’il est analysé par Ricœur dans un entretien accordé à Anita Hocquard en 1985. Le caractère éminemment conflictuel de la tâche éducative nous amène à discuter les notions de traditionalité, de traditions et de tradition. Il s’agit, ainsi, de réfléchir autour de la lutte pour la reconnaissance, la légitimité et l’autorité des différentes traditions dans un contexte culturel où l’héritage (...)
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    Pensar a técnica e a tecnologia com Álvaro Vieira Pinto.Lucas Carvalho Soares de Aguiar Pereira - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (75):1563-1591.
    Pensar a técnica e a tecnologia com Álvaro Vieira Pinto: contribuições para o ensino da filosofia no ensino médio profissional Resumo: Este artigo apresenta uma análise do processo de fabricação dos conceitos relacionados à técnica e à tecnologia na obra “O conceito de Tecnologia” (Vol. 1) de Álvaro Vieira Pinto. Primeiramente aborda-se os conceitos de máquina e de técnica e o modo como esses conceitos se conectam com o problema do “desenvolvimento” nacional. Em seguida explora-se o problema da ideologização da (...)
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    Fundamentos dialéticos do desenvolvimento profissional docente.Francisco Antonio Machado Araujo & Maria Vilani Cosme de Carvalho - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (77):917-950.
    Este texto objetiva desenvolver discussão sobre os fundamentos dialéticos do desenvolvimento profissional docente. Estrutura-se na revisão de literatura com base em ideias de autores que abordam estudos sobre o desenvolvimento profissional docente e no conceito de desenvolvimento fundamentado nas leis gerais do Materialismo Histórico Dialético. Dentre os resultados constatados com o estudo, destaca-se a compreensão de que os autores analisados realizam discussão do desenvolvimento profissional docente como processo de constituição do ser professor relacionado a aquisição de saberes e competências necessárias (...)
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  44.  12
    Domination et apprentissage: anthropologie des formes de la transmission culturelle.Alain Pierrot, Isabel Carvalho & Chantal Medaets (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Hermann.
    Le présent ouvrage rassemble les contributions des chercheurs en anthropologie et en sciences de l'éducation qui se sont réunis en septembre 2015 à la Sorbonne lors du colloque international "Anthropologie et éducation". Sur la base de leurs enquêtes de terrain menées principalement en France et au Brésil, mais aussi en Uruguay, en Iran, en Chine, en Mongolie, en Inde, en Indonésie, au Mali, au Sénégal et en Polynésie, quatre thèmes centraux y sont abordés : l'inculcation de l'écriture et la scolarisation (...)
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    La pensée d'Henri de Gand avant 1276.Mário Santiago de Carvalho - 1996 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 63:36-67.
    La Lectura Ordinaria super sacram scripturam attribuée à Henri de Gand fut conservée dans un seul manuscrit qui date de la fin du 13e ou du début du 14e siècle . Sa description et son histoire ont été faites par le dr. Raymond Macken en 1972, qui est aussi l'éditeur de l'ouvrage. L'édition critique du texte nous a permis de constater l'existence de certaines ressemblances entre son contenu et les autres œuvres d'Henri de Gand, sûrement authentiques. Déjà avant l’édition de (...)
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    Time and space in biogeography: Response to Parenti & Ebach.M. De Bruyn, B. Stelbrink, T. J. Page, M. J. Phillips, D. J. Lohman, C. Albrecht, R. Hall, K. von Rintelen, P. K. L. Ng, H.-T. Shih, G. R. Carvalho & T. von Rintelen - 2014 - Journal of Biogeography 40 (11):2204-2206.
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    Robotics and Well-Being.Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira, Ana S. Aníbal, P. Beardsley, Selmer Bringsjord, Paulo S. Carvalho, Raja Chatila, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Nicola Fabiano, Sarah R. Fletcher, Rodolphe Gelin, Rikhiya Ghosh, Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu, John C. Havens, Teegan L. Johnson, Endre E. Kadar, Jon Larreina, Pedro U. Lima, Stuti Thapa Magar, Bertram F. Malle, André Martins, Michael P. Musielewicz, A. Mylaeus, Matthew Peveler, Matthias Scheutz, João Silva Sequeira, R. Siegwart, B. Tranter & A. Vempati (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book highlights some of the most pressing safety, ethical, legal and societal issues related to the diverse contexts in which robotic technologies apply. Focusing on the essential concept of well-being, it addresses topics that are fundamental not only for research, but also for industry and end-users, discussing the challenges in a wide variety of applications, including domestic robots, autonomous manufacturing, personal care robots and drones.
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  48. Index to Volume 41.Marc Bekoff, Kirsten Birkett, Paul R. Laurie M. Boehlke, Rachel L. Kolander, Sjoerd L. Bonting, Donald M. Braxton, John Hedley Brooke, Charlene P. E. Burns, John C. Caiazza & John J. Carvalho Iv - 2006 - Zygon 41 (4).
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  49. Final report. A qualitative investigation into the use of withdrawal.E. de BenderDusch, M. F. McCann, S. Mayor, E. Hardy, L. C. Santos, M. J. Osis, G. Carvalho, J. G. Cecatti & A. Faundes - 1998 - Journal of Biosocial Science 30 (2):193-225.
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    Ethical guidance on human embryonic and fetal tissue transplantation: A European overview.G. de Wert, R. L. P. Berghmans, G. J. Boer, S. Andersen, B. Brambati, A. S. Carvalho, K. Dierickx, S. Elliston, P. Nunez, W. Osswald & M. Vicari - 2002 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 5 (1):79-90.
    This article presents an overview ofregulations, guidelines and societal debates ineight member states of the EC about a)embryonic and fetal tissue transplantation(EFTT), and b) the use of human embryonic stemcells (hES cells) for research into celltherapy, including `therapeutic' cloning. Thereappears to be a broad acceptance of EFTT inthese countries. In most countries guidance hasbeen developed. There is a `strong' consensusabout some of the central conditions for `goodclinical practice' regarding EFTT.International differences concern, amongstothers, some of the informed consent issuesinvolved, and the (...)
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